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+358 40 129 3745

We take care of providing fresh water for vessels, grey water services, and waste recycling. Our services work seamlessly for all vessels – including cruise ships. We provide all of our services in line with the customers’ schedules and wishes.

Fresh water supply service

We assist our customers’ vessels and crew in connecting and disconnecting fresh water at the port area. Fresh water is primarily connected using SF Port Service’s own maintained and clean water hoses and connectors, but if the customer wishes, we can provide the service using their own equipment. Fresh water is always connected and disconnected completely according to the customer’s schedule and wishes.

Fresh water is supplies to the port by HSY along underground pipelines and fresh water can be supplied to almost every dock in Helsinki. HSY’s latest water report on water quality can be provided upon request by the vessel. Fresh water can also be provided by agreement using e.g. a tanker to those few dock places where there is no fresh water supply point. We are authorised by Helsingin Satama Oy to provide fresh water supply services at Helsinki’s ports.

Read more about fresh water supply here (in Finnish):

Grey water and other waste recycling services

As with the supply of fresh water, we are also authorised by Helsingin Satama Oy to connect and disconnect our customers’ vessels’ and crew’s grey water (GW) and to carry out other waste management activities at Helsinki’s ports.

We have the capability to also provide other separate waste management services which are not part of standard waste management, albeit in a slightly limited way. We can recycle waste and our waste services are suitable for cruise ships.

Read more about grey water, emptying grey water, and other waste management services here:


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